Enabling courses

Deciding to take on higher education marks the beginning of an exciting study journey. And preparation is the key to success.

Enabling courses are flexible study delivered in a supportive environment, specifically designed to meet the unique needs of students who are new to academic study.

Through engaging topics, interactive activities and assignments, you’re introduced to the uni experience. You’ll build study skills including reading and essay writing, and develop a winning attitude to see you through to the best outcome you’re capable of.

UniReady by Curtin University

Non-Award CUR-UNR01

Fundamentals of Academic Writing

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Non-Award CUR-UNR02

Foundations of Communication

Related degrees

Non-Award CUR-UNR03

Mathematics Basics

Related degrees

Non-Award CUR-UNR04

Introduction to Humanities

Related degrees

Non-Award CUR-UNR05

Introduction to Commerce

Related degrees

Non-Award CUR-UNR06

Introduction to Health Sciences

Related degrees

Non-Award CUR-UNR07

Mathematics for Science

Related degrees

University Preparation Program by University of Tasmania

Undergraduate TAS-UPP014

Writing in Practice

Undergraduate TAS-UPP015

Numeracy and Data in Practice

Undergraduate TAS-UPP016

UPP Project A

Undergraduate TAS-UPP017

Communication Skills in Practice

Undergraduate TAS-UPP018

UPP Project B

Undergraduate TAS-UPP010

Learning at University

Prepare with a leading Australian university…

…and study with a leading Australian university! There’s more than one way to get into uni—completing an enabling course might be an option for you.

If you didn’t finish high school, or you missed out on the grades you’d set your sights on, you still have options. When you successfully complete an enabling course, you unlock an alternate entry pathway to a degree. Enabling courses help you meet university admission criteria, so you’ll qualify for a range of degrees.


There’s a lot of pressure because you’re told there’s only one way you can get into uni. OUA smashes that belief.” —Carmen, graduated from Griffith University.

Read Carmen’s story, 'From a low ATAR to high-flyer in law enforcement', in the OUA blog.

Best fit students

  • First time studying at uni
  • No academic experience
  • Preparing to switch on-campus
  • Returning to study after a break
  • Tackling for maths for the first time

Get ready for uni

  • Study skills including time-management and organisation
  • Positive attitudes towards self-management and persistence
  • Academic skills including critical thinking and communication

Unlock your degree

  • Study with a leading Australian university
  • Meet university admission criteria
  • Qualify for a range of degrees
  • Feel supported from start to finish

How it works

Compare and enrol

With enabling courses on offer from leading Australian universities, we’ll help you find the right subjects to meet your needs. Our student advisors are ready to answer your questions. Enrolment is open to anyone with a higher education study goal. Subjects have multiple start dates throughout the year, see Study planning to work out how to fit your study around your life.

Work out your finances

During your enrolment, we’ll offer you the option to defer your payment using a FEE-HELP student loan, or pay upfront in full. Subjects start from $400. Remember to look into income tax deductions for course fees and study-related expenses.

Get credit for your success

When you successfully complete your subjects, you unlock an alternative entry pathway to your degree. Enabling courses help you meet admission criteria so you’ll be closer to qualifying for a range of degrees.

Why study online through Open Universities Australia?

Find the right course for you

Explore and choose from thousands of degrees, subjects and short courses from leading Australian unis.

Start studying, regardless of academic history

We offer entry without requirements through single undergraduate subjects from full degrees.

Gain credit towards your degree

Apply for credit for past study, or your work experience, and finish your studies faster.

Graduate with a degree from a leading uni

Enrol through us and graduate with exactly the same qualifications as on-campus students.

Feel supported from start to finish

Our student advisors can guide you in the right direction and help with your enrolment.

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Key dates 2023

Important study dates, including close of application, close of enrolment, and census dates.

University pathways

Want to study but not sure where to start? These pathways to university are a great stepping stone.

Study preparation

Get ready to meet the challenges of online learning head on. Boost your study skills to get the most out of your degree.

We're here to guide you there

Our student advisors can assist you with enrolment, help you plan your studies, and answer questions about how studying through Open Universities Australia can get you from where you are today, to where you want to be tomorrow.